
Download App Builder 2023.24
Download  App Builder 2023.24

download App Builder 2023.24

* Remove the Adobe Phonegap options tab from the app options dock panel, since the Adobe Phonegap project is no longer supported by Adobe, and, on the other hand, we always recommended to use Apache Cordova instead of Adobe Phonegap.

download App Builder 2023.24

Set the default value for the target SDK to the Android 12 L (API level 32). * Add new values into the app options for the Cordova Android platform and their Minimun SDK combobox and target SDK combobox, in order to provide support for the Android API level 31 (Android 12), the Android API level 32 (Android 12 L) and the Android API level 33 (Android 13). Some additional changes related with the app Splash Screen as you can see above in this history document. The latest version of Cordova for these platforms includes the Splash Screen implementation in the Apache Cordova core and therefore this plugin is no longer required. * Do not use include anymore the Apache Cordova Splash Screen plugin for the Android and the Apple iOS platforms. This change is because the splash screens on Android works now in a different way, using the Apache Cordova core instead of the Splash Screen plugin: this is mainly to offer support for the new Android API for splash screens in Android 12, but, the Apache Cordova core offer backwards compatibility for previous versions of Android. * DecSoft App Builder no more prepare specific splash screens for various devices of the Android platform, but uses the provided splash screen image "as is", or the app icon, if no splash screen are provided. Cordova Android 11.0.0 requires this target SDK API level in order to properly work, so we also carefully recommend to update your app to this API level: if you start a new app, don't worry, because this is the default option now. * Due to the changes in Apache Cordova related with the splash screen implementation for Android, we encourage the usage of the latest version of Apache Cordova for Android (11.0.0), which requires the Android API level 32 (Android 12 L), which is now the default option for the target SDK. Update the VueJS, VueEx and VueRouter libraries to the latest versions. Update the Luxon javascript libary to the latest version. Update the Font Awesome icons (javascript library and desktop fonts) to the latest version. * Update the animate CSS library to the latest version. This installer are internally used by the DecSoft App Builder installer to properly prepare the IDE to use the Edge Runtime webview for the apps Debugger browser. This update includes all the supported flavors, that is, the full installer for both 32 and 64 bits. * Update the Microsoft Edge Runtime installer to the latest version. * Update the Bootstrap CSS framework to the latest version: update for the app's template, but also the program's help, welcome, about and plugins help pages.

Download  App Builder 2023.24